Monday, June 13, 2011

Bacon Takedown

Bacon,bacon, bacon....   that commercial for dog treats almost makes me come runnin'.    Well, next Sunday is a baconalia -  basically a food and wine festival where all the items contain bac0n—everything from bacon hash to bacon taffy.  There is a current craze for things 'bacon': soda, gum, ice cream and chocolate.  I've heard that bacon chocolate actually makes a great fondue for dipping pretzels. I'll try that but draw the line at bacon soap!  BAKON vodka was used in a Bloody Mary that I had recently - no discernible difference.  If you'd care to try it, you might consider making your own bacon vodka.  This recipe was on Steve & Chris' show:  Cook 1 lb. bacon; add 26 oz. vodka to fat.  Let sit 4-5 hours, then freeze.  Remove fat, strain through cheesecloth, use in a Bloody Mary:  In a celery salt rimmed glass, pour 1 oz. bacon vodka, 1-2 dashes Tabasco, 5-6 dashes Worcestershire sauce, lime wedge and tomato juice to fill.  Garnish with a bacon slice.  Bottoms up!

Tickets on sale now for Jun 19, 3-6pm, $15, Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville, 617-718-2191, tickets here

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